Sunday, February 15, 2015

Game Slam! @ IndieCadeEast

NYC Gamelab:

Five Lines with Friends

IndieCade was a blast... I pitched my game "Five Lines with Friends" at the Game Slam! on Sunday 5/15/2015 at 5 pm.
Coming soon will be some images "Five Lines with Friends"  Game Testing done at the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia on November 8, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Monument Valley gets new levels" The best iPad game ever jsut got better!

Thanks to the people at UsTwo Games, there are new levels in Monument Valley that add colorful and interesting challenges. There is even a bonus level: Ida's Dream.

One final chapter to fight AIDS.
Available now through December 7.

I appreciate the "inside insights" into the game design and level design processes described on the Monument Valley Development Blog Here:

Saturday, May 31, 2014

NY Times: How to Get Girls Into Coding MAY 31, 2014

"Nitasha Tiku gets it right: games are the gateway to motivating girls (and boys too!) to get into the world of coding, game design, start-up culture, DIY, steAm (adding the Arts to STEM) and the maker movement in general.

I have been fortunate to have been beta-testing a  "new platform called Beta" ( mentioned in this article) with very interesting results: my 9th grade students at Dwight School have responded with a rare enthusiasm. The students worked over the weekends and over vacations purely through the self-motivation and a 'need-to-know' driven by the joy of learning.

Errol King, the co-founder and creative director of Hidden Level Games (which created Beta the game) and I were talking about what makes this platform (and game design in general) so potent as a motivator for kids: "god-mode" is the answer.

Girls like to build worlds and games that allow them to build things (Minecraft, the Sims) appeal to girls and tap into their natural abilities in ways that the straight-forward computer science curriculum can't touch."

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Flat Vs. Not: Join the Debate

Read the story here than post your comments 

Rules, Space, Goals, Components, Core Mechanics, Challenge are defined here as "Six Game Design Elements"...  Choice can be considered as an additional element. In addition, Balance is a concept of Game Design that is essential.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Can't Wait for Kandu!

Kandu lets anyone make great games and apps without knowing how to code.
Kandu asks:

What Will You Make?

See the Kandu Pre-release Promohere:

Friday, February 14, 2014

Pattern Recognition compared to

Pattern Recognition theory of mind p. 65 How to Create a Mind caption

I can't help but see the connections between an illustration from  Ray Kurswell's How to Create a Mind and a tutorial illustration from the game design engine.

Since I am currently reading one and designing in the other, the similarities jumped right off the page (actually iPad screen) while I was reading on the subway this morning.
