Friday, December 27, 2013

We Live in a "Golden Age of Game Design"

"We do not live merely in a golden age of video games but also in a golden age of video game criticism. There has never been more, and better, writing about games and what they mean, how they work and how they fail."

This from Game Theory, the NY Times series.

At Last: a "Meaningful" Discussion Concerning Violence in Video Games

In his recently published NY Times Games Theory article, Kirk Hamilton gets it right. I applaud the effort to make a meaningful and honest appraisal of the usually gratuitous and vapid violence that is the meat and potatoes of much of the console gaming industry.

To quote Kirk Hamilton:
“Boring” ... that’s exactly how I felt about so much of the shooting, maiming and torturing in the video games of 2013."

I couldn't agree more.

Game Theory: Exploring Meaningful Violence                    
By Kirk Hamilton, Published on  December 27, 2013, 8:01 am

Thursday, December 26, 2013

NYC Games Preview : "Not just another Game Design Blog!"

"Not just another Game Design Blog!"

The Challenge:

to add positive and fresh approaches to current game criticism

The Mission:

to cover current trends in gaming at this juncture of great promise, increasing potential and interesting possibilities: 2014